Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Ready for Fall

Well, the summer is pretty much over. And I can honestly same I'm so excited! :-) I can't wait for school to start this fall. Okay, well I'm excited for the activities and friends, maybe not classes yet... ha. But this year is promising to be a great one! And I can't wait for that!
The rest of my summer (since my last blog) has gone by very quickly. Unfortunately, there weren't too many more political events I was able to go to due to work and whatnot.
Towards the end of July I was able to fly out to Washington D.C. with Jake and Justin to visit Heidi and Emily. That was an amazing time. We spent an extended weekend there taking in the sights and activities of our nation's capitol. We of course - being the political active students that we are - sat in on a Senate session at the Capitol. Unfortunately, it wasn't a debate or anything so there weren't many members of the Senate there. We did hear a few Senators speak about SCHIP (children's health care). We even heard Senator Grassley which is one of the sponsors of the bill and the Senator Emily and Heidi were working for. So that was pretty cool. I wish we could have seen more people though. That's my only complaint. And maybe less rules. They are strict at that place! The best part about the trip was being back with some of my FINS and being able to talk about politics non-stop again for a few days! :-) I do love my FINS...
The rest of the summer I stayed busy working. I watched the news as much as possible to keep up with current events. Here are some of those events and my thoughts:

United States presidential 'hopeful,' Republican candidate Tom Tancredo said that another terrorist act in the U.S. should be "followed by an attack on the holy sites in Mecca and Medina."
Wow. When I first heard about this I didn't even know what to think. The only word that came to mind was 'arrogance'. Terrorist does not equal Muslim.

Iowa Straw Poll Results: Romney in first; Huckabee in second. I wasn't surprised at all by Romney coming in first, I think we all saw that coming. I was very surprised by Mike Huckabee coming in second. It was obvious that McCain and Giuliani weren't going to do well since they weren't participating. But I was still surprised at the ultra-conservative coming in second. Remember, this is the guy who made a public announcement about mini-skirts and how bad they are... But I'm not judging.
I was actually on vacation during the Straw Poll so I made sure to catch the news and check online for the results! Ha... I don't even escape politics when I'm on vacation and I love it!

I was actually on vacation in South Carolina - we as we all know, have moved the date of their primary up to Jan. 19th. Which makes things very interesting for the 2008 election. Especially with New Hampshire and Iowa both having laws saying they have to be first in the nation. Will this be a Political Christmas in December? I wouldn't mind... instead of opening presents on Christmas Day, you receive the caucus results? ha ha. Maybe not...

Some more thoughts about some current events:
  • Will Fred Thompson really announce? Some say he's short on money... Hm?
  • Rove resigning - all I can say is about time. Although, who will think for the President now? ha ha okay... a little harsh. Maybe.
  • I applaud the Democratic candidates that participated in the debate at the gay issues forum. That was one for the history books.
  • Another for the history books: the YouTube debate on CNN. I'm sad to say I missed most of it due to the cable being out. But truly awesome. What a great idea! Actual citizens asking the questions. The Republican debate is actually coming up soon... I'll be sure to catch that one.
I think that's about it for current events. I'm sure there was more, but that's what I have right now.

So, let's get this school year off to a great start. I'm ready to jump in and get these students engaged in political activity. Here's to the year of Civic Engagement at Wartburg College. *Cheers* Let's raise some issues, have some debates, get students registered to vote, create some chaos at the caucus, enjoy the winter weather in NH, and be political engaged!