Friday, December 14, 2007

T-minus 20 days until Caucus...

Oh yes, the time has come. I feel it is finally the time to start an offical countdown until the Iowa Caucus date: January 3rd, 2008. There are 20 days.

First of all. let us re-cap the semester (as it is now over). It was a very busy semester and the political events only made it that much busier but also exciting! Through the FIN project, we had the opportunity to have a lot of candidates either on Wartburg's campus or to view them via webcast with FP. Both Waverly and Wartburg College had the chance to meet many candidates. We had Tom Tancredo, John Edwards, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, just to name a few. It was very exciting to see all the candidates and compare them to each other. One of the many privileges I've learned to love living in Iowa.

I was also taking a special course offered at Wartburg because of the FIN project and since this was the Year of Civic Engagement at Wartburg. The course was Political Communication, taught by Penni Pier. It was a really great course and I'm glad I had the chance to take it! It was an awesome class with a lot of discussion about the current election year and we all know I love discussing politics! At the end of the semester, groups within the class gave presentations that were open to the public about different forms of political communication. My presentation was on Political Cartoons and I found the topic to be very interesting, although not enough research on it! However I did enjoy searching through hundreds of cartoons!

And finally, on my last day in Iowa before coming home for break, I finally did it. I changed my voter's registration over to Iowa. I am now ready to caucus! Well... in a sense. I'm excited that I will have the chance to caucus for a candidate on the third. Now, I just have to decide who I'm going to caucus for! I've heard all of the candidates I would consider caucusing for. And people keep asking me, expecting me to know who I'm going to support. And one would think I would have decided by now - especially considering I've been actively involved with this election since May! But I have made no final decisions. And I have 20 days to make that decision.

But I am very much looking forward to participating in the Democratic caucus in Waverly! I'm excited for the noise, the chaos, the excitement, the passion! I'm excited to experience this first hand! I'm excited for the possiblity to head to the KWWL studio to watch the results come in! I'm also very excited to fly back out to NH to observe the primary out there and to watch the results come in! It will be a very exciting first couple of weeks of the New Year!

So that's about it for now. The countdown has begun and I'm starting to ask the hard questions. The most important one being: who will I caucus for?